
Hey Travelers,

I’m here to Announce our 1st Wiglington Secrets Mod! This Traveler, Has been really Supporting Wiglington Secrets, Commenting, Visiting Daily And More!

The Traveler is,

Congratz To Lewisrae to becoming the 1st Wiglington Secrets Mod! If you want to become a Wiglington Secrets Mod And Enjoy the Benefits, Click Here!

That’s all for now, Bye Travelers!


Hey travelers,

The WW servers are back up, and guess whats also here too?!?!!??! It’s the Knights Costumes! Woooooot! Check it out yo:

Credit goes to Jen's Wiglington and Wenks Blog for the picture.

All of the costumes in the middle are the Super Actions Knight Costumes….they will be coming out very soon! But all the other costumes are available for purchase! Yippeeeeee! They cost 2000 credits each for nonmembers and 1400 credits each for members!  Hmmmm…..maybe a medevil location is coming soon?!?!? What do you think?


Hey Travelers!

While lots of travelers, Have Been waiting for the New Wiglington Times, It has Finally Been Released! (Woo-hoo) Here it is:

You may be Wondering, “What Happend to the Wiglington Times?!” , Well it seems All the Copies of the Wiglington Times Issue 007 were found Burned!

Only One Copy was Found, Which is Not looking so good..

It seems, Nobody knows What or Who did this to the Wiglington Times, The Wiglington Times Issue 007 Was suppose to Announce the First S-T-C Meeting!

You Can Check out the Remainders of the Wiglington Times Issue 007 Here! What do you think Happened to the Issue? Was Count Involved? Bye Travelers!


Hey travelers,

Check it out:

The Spot the Count Uniform is on the right

Cool eh?


Hey Travelers!

The Fill in the Bubble Contest is now over! Before i Announce the Winners, i wanna say, Thanks to everybody who entered!

It was a Tough Picking the Three Winners, Since all your Entires, Where really Funny And Crazy! Here are the Winners:

  • 1st Place Winner,


(If you cant see, Here is what it says)

Walpole Whale: When can i stop smiling and showing my teeth?

Shadow: After someone adds a caption to our bubbles walpole… 

  • 2nd Place Winner,


Shadow: I moderate WW, have contests on WW, blog about WW, tweet about WW, read through WW forum threads…

Wadpole Whale: I just carry people…

  • 3rd Place Winner,


Shadow: Doesn’t all that smiling hurt?

Warpole: More than u will ever know O_O

Congratz Contest Winners, And if you didnt win, Dont worry! There will be alot More Contests, Here @ Wiglington Secrets!

~The Wiglington Secrets Team – Shadow

P.s. Your Prizes Will be Automaticly Transferd to your account!

Hey Travelers!

It’s time for yet ANOTHER Contest here at Wiglington Secrets! This time the Prize(s) will be Bigger! And Hope-fully the contest will be Fun-er!

The Contest Theme Will be:

  • Fill in the Chat Bubble

Here’s how its gonna work out, You will need to make a Funny or Crazy or Weird, Caption For This (Up-Comming) Picture!

You can leave Captions With a Comment, With a Link to Your Picture OR Just Simply Leaving a Comment Saying For Example:

Walpole Whale (The Whale) : Hi Shadow!

Shadow : You can Talk?!! o:

Either Way is Fine! And Dont Forget to say your Traveler’s Name! Only 5 Entries Per Traveler! And of Course there will Be Prizes, Hehe!

  • 1st Place, 10,000 Rollars &  5,000 Credits!
  • 2nd Place, 5,000 Rollars & 2,000 Credits!
  • 3rd Place, 2,000 Rollars & 1,000 Credits!

Good Luck, Be Creative and Have fun! Contest ends, May 12th!

~The Wiglington Secrets Team – Shadow

Hey Travelers!

Guess What was Released Today? Yes, It’s the Hair Salon! (Woohoo!) At The Traveler’s Tree , A Hairstylist Named Jazz is there!

She is there ready to give you a new Hairstyle! You can Choose Between two Tabs, The “Normal” and the “Premium” Tab!

  • The Normal tab is for the Hair styles when you Register!
  •  The Premium Tap is for Color Change and brings new HairStyles!

Here are the New Hair Styles For Boys and Girls!

(Thanks Sonorus and Pretty11333 For the Pictures! Check out the Wiglington Guiders Blog Here!) The Hairstyles are Only For Elite Quest Travelers Only!

For Now! Have Fun With Your Crazy Hair-Cuts!

That’s all for now! Cya Travelers!


New Island Props

Hey travelers,

Wiglington and wenks released more Island Props! Check it out:

If your a member, go buy some props because their awesome!



Hey Travelers!

Welcome to the Wiglington and Wenks Designs Blog! First of all, i just want to let you know that this is nothing Official from the Wiglington and Wenks staff! (This Blog has nothing to do with the “Fan Art” Section on the Official Blog)

Wiglington and Wenks Designs blog, is simply a blog for Cool WW designs made by you! There will be Design Contests for prizes or simply just for fun! 🙂

You can Submit your Designs By Commenting with the link to your Pictures, Or Emailing it too WiglingtonDesigns@Gmail.com! And they will be Posted! And if you want a design, You can check out the Make me a Design Page!

Once a Week 3 Top Designers, Will compete! But More info Will come later! So get Designing Or Drawing! It can be from a cool WW costume to a WW BUILDING!

Bye Travelers, Be Creative and Always have fun!

Update: Wiglington Secrets Mods Are Comming! (Since you voted) You Excited? 🙂

Hey Travelers!

The other day while i was on Wiglington and wenks, I kept looking at the emotes for Hours and Hours and Hours (Lol Just Kidding), And i noticed that there was a emote Missing! The 15th emote isn’t there! :O

I kept thinking “What happened to the 15th Emote?” , Some of you may say; “There was never a 15th Emote!” , But i think there was! I came up with this Crazy Theory:

What if Count Stole the 15th emote Long time ago, and is planning to add his own emote?! Take these Pictures For Example!

Count Emote Button!

We Love Count Bubble Emote!

Another Theory of mine was, Maybe he is stealing the Emotes 1 by 1 to make us Travelers Depressed And Sad! What do you think about my Theories? (Pretty Crazy Huh? lol)! That’s why I’ve Decided to make a little Challenge for all of you!

It’s gonna be a Draw/Design the 15th Emote Project! Here is how it’s gonna work out!

Simply Draw, Design and paint! What you think the 15th emote should be! Remember, This is just for fun! 🙂 And maybe who knows, The WW Team could make it! But nothing is Certified! And leave a comment with a link to your Pic!

That’s all for now! Bye Travelers!

~Shadow – The Crazy Theory Guy..

P.s. What do you think happened to the 15th emote? 😉